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For Developers

The software distributed with the Dice Device is available for everyone to download and modify. On this page, we provide a step-by-step guide on how to download and compile the code.

Install Visual Studio Code

This is a popular development environment.

Install PlatformIO extension

This is a Visual Studio Code extension for programming microcontrollers.

  1. Click on Extensions
  2. Type “platformio”
  3. Click on Install

Getting the Dice Device Source Code

Download sources at, choose “zip” package.

Unzip them locally to a folder like C:\DiceDevice

First Compile of the Dice Device Source Code

In the main menu of Visual Studio Code click on File / Open Folder… and select the folder with sources, like C:\DiceDevice\src.

Leave it a couple of minutes to allow PlatformIO to download and install the right version of the compiler. This will be needed just once, next runs will be much faster.

Once it is all installed, click on “Build” (1) to compile the source code. It will take again couple of minutes. Once all is done, you should see “SUCCESS” (2)

This will mean we are able to compile the code

Upload compiled code to Dice Device

Connect the Dice Device through USB cable to your PC. This time click on “Upload” (1). It will first compile the code (if it was not compiled already) and then upload code to Dice Device. Again if all was fine, you will see “SUCCESS” (2)

And that’s it, congratulations! Now you updated Dice Device with new software.